By Tamsin Wood
I could read and write before I could walk - and that is still the case today 43 years later!
I was born with Spina Bifida and right from the start, I loved to escape the realities of my situation by immersing myself in the fantasy world I created in my head.
I often put pen to paper and wrote stories which I read aloud as entertainment for family and friends. But it was only when I became a mom that I started to think seriously about publishing my work.
I'd worked, I'd traveled and I'd partied..... now I was content with my family life, but I still had so much creativity just bursting to come out.
I finally brought my first book to life in 2015, in order to raise money for a little girl with cancer - (she is alive, fully healed and well today!) and I haven't looked back since.
The ideas kept coming and sometimes I can't keep up with my own imagination! My family have got used to me writing at very unsociable hours, and stopping in the middle of doing something to note an idea!
The Fairies on Canglford Nock are as precious to me as my family - they were born from watching my children and their friends playing together. In Tales on "Canglford Nock Vol 1 & 2" Each character is based on a real person and every story contains a moral or life lesson.
This theme continues in "From Hob Nock Hill to Bog Nop Wood".
I write to support causes which are important to me because it gives me even more purpose to write. I try to tackle subjects which many other authors may avoid and to reach children who might otherwise feel forgotten. Not all stories have a happily every after, but there is always hope and I endeavor to let that hope shine through in my stories.
'Libby Mae's Little Angel' was written after meeting a couple who lost their infant daughter at just two weeks old, 'Always with me' was written for a little girl who lost her father. "A Light in the Darkness' is my message to those struggling to find their way.
I also wanted to write a full length novel for children. Blending my love of Enid Blyton, my son's passion for wildlife and my family's adoration for the Welsh countryside, I penned 'Cosas Vivas' about a very special boy trying to find his place in the world.
I am lucky to do what I love and so I love what I do.

I don't write for financial gain but because it makes me happy.
If it does the same for my readers, then I have succeeded in achieving something meaningful, which will remain throughout my life and beyond, as a legacy to those I love.
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